I'm feeling hot in here...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

24/7- Tuesday

yups...last night, i couldnt sleep well coz my body was feeling really really hot...heaty...crazy...maybe it's something i ate or something, but i felt so uncomfortable...like there's fire inside me...i tossed and turned in my bed for hours and still cant sleep..then finally i ate panadol and went to bed.. meat makes me heaty..which is why i eat 3 parts vegetable to 1 part of meat normally.. seriously, i;m eating very little meat nowadays, sometimes no meat for like 3 days straight, but i can't go totally vegetarian...coz i miss all the good stuff..=)

on an unrelated note, u know what type of exams i hate the most?? it's not the super difficult kind...because it's bell curve, and if it's really difficult, and everyone cannot do, they will shift the bell curve.. but it;s those exam that are vague, ambiguous and bloody hell tricky... u know, those MCQ questions that have a few answers, like the answer can be a or b...or even worse, those MCQ questions that are poorly set, that have no correct answers at all...and u spent time during exam trying to figure out the answer and realise that none of the answer is within the range of your answer and u have to end up 'shooting' only to realise there;s no REAL answer... gosh..i hate those test..

even in SPM, i remember there was one test, objective question, that doesnt have a corrrect answer...gosh, i suppose that if it's gonna be a 'national level' exam, u ought to be double checking the answers i guess...

oh well...just ranting...

life's good..i'm happy today...



CkY said...

now look like whole world also HOT leh !!

now KL hot like hell !! i aslo cannot sleep for pass few days !!!!! lucky this two days got rain....

good loh !!!

*ur SPM very very very very very very very very very very very good result leh !!! still want said the question triCKY ar ??*

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